To Submit A Case:All cases for consideration by AKIP should be submitted by mail to the address below with a brief factual summary of the case and a list of the evidence which might be available to prove innocence: Alaska Innocence Project PO Box 201656 Anchorage, AK 99520 - The defendant making the innocence claim should contact us directly. - No other documents should be submitted for initial review. - AKIP does not accept telephone or e-mail applications. - We cannot perform any investigation, nor discuss any open case regarding a defendant who is currently represented by an attorney. |
Prisoner Contact:
Regretfully, because we require all correspondence to be in writing, AKIP cannot discuss case information over the phone, nor can we give the status of an application that is being reviewed. We also do not accept applications from persons other than the prisoner who is requesting assistance unless it is a referral from another innocence project or an attorney for the prisoner. Public Contact: For non-claimants with general questions and for inquiries by the media, please contact Interim Executive Director, Jory Knott at 907-279-0454, or email: [email protected] Thank you. |